Truth About the Rich Dad Summit

Truth About The Rich Dad Summit (Beginners Guide)

The Rich Dad Summit is basically a replay of Robert Kiyosaki’s 2 day live event.

Important to realize that The Rich Dad Summit is now available on ClickBank. And the cost is just $1. So those who were not able to attend the event can now access a recording of The Rich Dad Summit online.

Key focus of this post brings to light some important points that you need to know about this summit.

Of course, this gives you the opportunity to watch and listen at your convenience. On the other hand, if you prefer to read: A Summary Of The Book may just be the ideal. Matter of fact, this book is very popular worldwide.

With The Rich Dad Summit, some top entrepreneurs share their expertise. Truly, they offer inspiration for beginners. To emphasize, these entrepreneurs are experts in their field, and they pass on best practice strategies. Actually, you can copy them.

RELATED: Discover Rich Dad Poor Dad A Summary Of The Book

Truth About The Rich Dad Summit [Beginners Guide]

Product: The Rich Dad Summit (Click Right Here to Enroll)

Founder: Robert T. Kiyosaki and Anik Singal

Started: 2017

Price: $1 (Up-Sells: $69 per month $97)

Rating: 4 out of 10 stars

Recommended: For Newbie Entrepreneurs/Investors

To point out, Robert Kiyosaki is the initiator of the Rich Dad. By the way, he is one of the best-selling authors on the global scale. Specifically, his book: Rich Dad Poor Dad ranks as a best-seller in personal finance books.

As an entrepreneur, Kiyosaki teaches how you can create passive streams of income. Particularly for this summit, he and his team promote a blueprint design that you can use to help create passive income. Features include different tools for people to succeed.

Watching this short video may be helpful.

People Can Benefit From The Rich Dad Summit

Whether you are an expert entrepreneur or a newbie seeking a new lifestyle, you may find this summit useful. Based on what you learn, you can start an online business if you have the desire to earn more money.

Accordingly, this online training offers 16 hours of money making information. Keep in mind that this is over a 2-day period. Chiefly, the information the experts provide can definitely help newbies to build passive income. Though the training also tout entrepreneurs with experience, they really pass this basic stage already.

Ideally, the training introduces you to several ways to increase wealth. One thing they’ll remind you to do is to make sure you have the right mentality. Of course, this is a key factor for your success. Likewise, having access to the the tools and resources.

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The Training

For Day 1 you have access to 12 training sessions. Primary focus is: How to earn more money. Therefore you can find training on:

  • How to build and sustain wealth for the long term
  • Having the right mindset as an entrepreneur
  • Finding access the best business opportunities

Similarly, Day 2 has 13 training sessions. Based on the fundamentals set out in Day 1, the key focus is: How to make your money earn more for you.

Training includes:

  • Investing in real estate101
  • Protecting your assets
  • Saving on taxes as an entrepreneur

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The Presentation Speakers

Along with Anik Singal, there are other top entrepreneurs contributing to this summit. Knowing that Kiyosaki teams up with some of the best is a clear indication that the summit is for real, and not a scam. Actually, Anik Singal is the founder of

Speakers include:

  • Robert’s Real Estate Investing Coaches
  • Kotton Grammer (SEO & Marketing Guru)
  • Andy Tanner (Master Teacher & Investor)
  • Tom Wheelwright (Author of Tax Free Wealth)
  • Garrett Sutton (Legal Expert)
  • Max Wright (Bitcoin Expert)
  • Fred Lam (eCommerce Millionaire)

All of these speakers address different topics on how you can build a laid back, yet viable income for your lifetime. Hence, the summit is ideal for those who are:

  • Having financial struggles
  • Not experiencing upward mobility in the job, but rather static
  • Tired of a job and want to quit
  • Not experiencing a debt free lifestyle, and wants financial freedom

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Overall Training Focus: Day 1

Most notably, Day 1 training introduces you to several ways to create passive income. For instance:

  • Through Entrepreneurship
  • Investing in Stocks
  • Start Marketing Online
  • Use Email Marketing

In like manner, you will also discover some ideas from the Rich Dad Poor Dad Book. For instance, you can discover more about assets and liabilities. Point in fact, you can learn how being knowledgeable about these concepts contribute to wealth.

  • Learn the Secrets to Build Wealth For the Long Term

(Robert Kiyosaki & Jeremy Bellotti)

Learn how to do 2 things:

  • Make more money
  • Have your money make more money

Before you can do these 2 things, you need to adjust your thinking about wealth. These speakers share the secrets that can help you.

  • Diving Into the Cashflow Quadrant (Andy Tanner)

From employee to business owner, and on to being an entrepreneur, this training focuses on how you can make the change. Despite the challenges that you may have, Tanner shows how to conquer them.

  • The Difference Between Creating a Job & Being an Entrepreneur (Jeremy Bellotti)

Basically, you can learn about being an entrepreneur and the difference between a job and building a business. Coupled with examples of successful entrepreneurs, you can learn the tactics to avoid common mistakes. Moreover, how to start your business with a strong footing.

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Discover Business Opportunities

  • The Best Online and Offline Business Opportunities (Andrew Lantz)

Here is where you can discover different business opportunities both online and offline. Being full of real life examples, you can certainly discover great ideas to start your online business.

  • The Fastest Way to Start a Business – The X Factor (Jeremy Bellotti & Anik Singal)

Granted that you do not mind emulating successful people, you can learn from them and invest in their teaching. Discover how you can copy the actions of these people.

  • Assets vs. Liabilities (Andrew Lantz)

Find out exactly what assets and liabilities are in this presentation. No doubt, you can learn strategies to make money and reduce debt.

Learn About the Stock Market

  • Demystifying the stock market (Andy Tanner)

Knowing about stocks and the value they have may just push you to invest in them. Not to mention that you can learn how to avoid the pitfalls.

  • An Email List as an Asset (Anik Singal)

Ideally, building an email list can be an asset for your business. Some entrepreneurs believe it is even more beneficial than social media. Having a presenter like Anik Singal can motivate you to start building your list.

  • Building Your Success Team (Jeremy Bellotti)

Without a doubt, it can be a difficult task to find the right people to build your team. Jeremy Bellotti shows you how to find and select helpful ones to assist you with your business.


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Day 2 Training Focus: Ways to Make Your Money Work for You

Typically, the whole concept of letting your money work for you is the focus for Day 2. For instance: Investing in real estate and Bitcoin. Additionally, you can also learn how to put less of your money in taxes.

Certainly, there is no shortage of information from the following topics:

  • How Success can be Simple (Jeremy Bellotti)

Despite the many business opportunities that you can invest in, it is important to find the right system. Jeremy Bellotti’s presentation sheds light on how the process can be simple for you to have success.

  • Rich Dad’s Strategies to Earn From Real Estate (Kiyosaki’s Real Estate Coaches)

No doubt, you can get Robert Kiyosaki’s real estate strategies and secrets from this presentation. He shows you how to discover the different ways to build wealth in any real estate market. Needless to say, you don’t need any experience because he’ll show you exactly how to do it.

Learn About The Bitcoin Opportunity

  • Bitcoin and the Opportunity it Offers (Max Wright)

From this presentation, you can learn about Bitcoin, exactly what it is and how it works. Moreover, the opportunity it offers. Not only does Max Wright shows how you can invest in Bitcoin, but also how to address any skepticism about crypto-currencies.

  • Use the Global Economy to Build a Business (Fred Lam)

An equally significant aspect of wealth building is identifying the opportunities that the global economy offers. Fred Lam is perfect for this presentation. Accordingly, he shows: “How you can use the internet to buy cheap products from China and sell them for a markup in the United States.”

  • Soft Assets Have Power (Andrew Lantz)

Andrew Lantz shows how: “You are your most powerful investment.” Before considering a business, it is important to note: “Your network, skills, education, health, and wellness. They all need attention to be successful.”

Learn How to Save on Taxes

  • Become an Investor/Entrepreneur and Save on Taxes (Tom Wheelwright)

Another significant factor in how you can build wealth is using the tax code “to do the right things to get the most tax savings.” Tom Wheelwright’s presentation tells how you can use leverage legally and reap the benefits.

  • Protecting Your Assets (Garrett Sutton)

No one denies that as an entrepreneur/investor, you need to: “Protect your assets.” Correspondingly, Garrett Sutton covers: “Risk management and how to set up LLCs and corporations.”

  • Making a Contribution (Anik Singal)

Once you start building wealth, you’ll be able to help others. As a result, family, communities and charities around the world can benefit from your contributions. Anik Singal shows how to do this well.

The Rich Dad Summit Funnel

  • Core Offer (Rich Dad Summit)

$1 – up to $10 per $1 Sale (75% Commissions + Guaranteed Prizes)

  • Bump (Rich Dad Insider)

Offer: 14 Day Free Trial Then $67 Per Month (90% Commissions for Life)

Basically, this is an advance course with 15 modules. And the presenter is Robert Kiyosaki.

For this course, Kiyosaki digs deep into:

  • How you can invest in real estate
  • Taxes
  • Developing Yourself
  • Earning Passive Income
  • Being an Entrepreneur

Most notably, is the Free 14-day trial. Matter of fact, if you decide to invest in this course, your cost will be $67 per month. Also, there are updates every month on Secrets from the insiders.

Up-Sell and Down-Sell

  • Up-sell: 5 Money Rules

Cost: $97 (75% Commissions)

To point out, this is another one of Kiyosaki’s courses. Foremost for this course is learning about money, and focusing your thoughts on how you can accumulate wealth.

Ideally, the right way is to emulate the rich. That is to say, you think and do like them. So you copy their way of accumulating and protecting wealth. One thing to note about this up-sell is that you only pay once, and the cost is $97.

  • DownSell: 5 Money Rules Lite

Cost: $47 (75% Commissions)

Even though the course goes for $97 from this summit, this lite alternative is also available for $47. Similarly, it is also available on this website for $4.97. Certainly, it seems like the same Kiyosaki course.


  • Ideal for Newbies

Since the lessons are easy to learn, newbies can start their online business venture immediately. For sure, the $1 cost is definitely an incentive to get beginners on board.

  • Various Topics to Learn the Basics

Based on the fact that this summit involves some top entrepreneurs, it is definitely an opportunity that newbies can take advantage of. Keep in mind that each entrepreneur focus on a different strategy. Hence, the many opportunities for beginners to build passive income.

  • Acquire Information From Experts

Not often do we come across several entrepreneurs sharing their expertise under one umbrella. Surely, this offers an ideal opportunity to learn from them. So why not make use of such opportunity and learn from the experts?

  • Online Training

Conveniently, these recordings are available for you to learn online. Whenever you are ready, you can watch and listen at your own pace.


  • Not the ideal for Experienced Entrepreneurs

Much of the information is just fundamentals. Therefore, it is not the ideal training for entrepreneurs who already have the underlying basics.

  • Can Get Tedious

Seeing that the training takes up 8 hours each day, it can get tiresome. Seriously, some people may not have this much time to watch videos and listen to speeches. Remember, it is 16 hours for two days, so you have to dedicate the time to do it.

  • People May Not See Value in the Price

Anything that sounds too good to be true usually have some disbelief. Because of the low cost, some people just don’t think there is value in the training.

Concluding Thoughts

Overall, The Rich Dad Summit targets anyone who needs help to become financially free. Even though, you may not find everything compelling, there are things of value to take away.

For newbie entrepreneurs, you can definitely benefit from this 2 day training. On the other hand, those who are already ahead of the pack may not find it overly useful.

Author’s Note: If for any reason, you do not like what you see and hear from The Rich Dad Summit, you can Check This Link To Learn How To Start Your Own Online Business.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Hope you are happy with your experience at If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please let us know. Feel free to share this page or leave a comment.



Suggested Resources

Retire Young Retire Rich: How to Get Rich Quickly and Stay Rich Forever

Truth About The Rich Dad Summit (Beginners Guide)“Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing covers the basic rules of investing, how to reduce your investment risk, how to convert your earned income into passive income.”

“The Rich Dad philosophy makes a key distinction between managing your money and growing it and understanding key principles of investing is the first step toward creating and growing wealth. This book delivers guidance, not guarantees, to help anyone begin the process of becoming an active investor on the road to financial freedom.”      

Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom 

“Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It’s the second book in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free.”

“CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It’s for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future.”    


“This book will change the way you think about jobs, careers, and owning your own business and inspire you to learn the rules of money that the rich use to build and grow their wealth.”     

The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing 

Truth About The Rich Dad Summit (Beginners Guide)Author: Taylor Larimore    

I highly recommend this book for both new and experienced investors.  Truly, it is full of sound advice for investors, young or old.  Rest assured that this book lays out a sensible way to deal with your assets, how to build them and how to manage them.   

As a matter of fact, reading this book can help to take the despair out of how you invest.  Equally important is that it can help with your understanding of the fundamental principles to apply.   

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10 thoughts on “Truth About The Rich Dad Summit (Beginners Guide)”

  1. I like that this opportunity helps an Investor/Entrepreneur to Save on Taxes I think I will be looking into this, I think that there are quite a few people that do not know how to sort out their taxes and there are ways to do the right things to get the most tax savings. Thank you.

  2. Afternoon Carol,

    In my time I’ve come across the name Robert Kiyosaki and his ‘Rich Dad’ branding, in fact it was the ‘Cashflow 101’ board game and expansion pack ‘202’ that influenced me and put me on a different course in life thinking actively about a passive income.

    I’ve dabbled in ‘eBay’, forex trading and now I’m getting creative in WA. There is a wealth of knowledge out there and the internet can be my tool to income. I’ve been fortunate to attend a small seminar hosted by ‘Rich Dad’ and it heavily focused on propety selling and property assets, which isn’t ideally my thing.

    Your article is a fountain of information and knowledge giving people some insight to what is out there if they wish to make a change and get out of the “rat race”. It’s a hard tree to uproot when someone is in a comfort zone or habit in their lives and they’ve all of a sudden want to make a change and invest in themselves, I know the feeling it’s scary and takes a certain drive. Articles like yours push people to make change and better their life.


  3. Thank you for publishing the truth about the rich dad summit beginners guide. I wish I would have found it earlier. I think it could have saved me time and money in the beginning stages of my business. I also like the fact that you included the suggested resources. I am heading over there to check them out. Thank you again for the review. Oh, and including the video was a nice touch, it allowed me to get a better understanding of the program. Well, I am off to continue exploring your other articles.

  4. Derek Marshall

    Excellent overview and thank you so much for sharing it with us all. I am actually off to get the $1 super offer from Clickbank.

    Do you have any particular tips about putting what is learned into practice?

  5. Hi Carol,

    Thanks for bringing this Summit to my attention.
    My boyfriend and me were recently talking about learning more about different ways to add to our income. This summit might just be the thing we are looking for. Since we are newbies in this kind of business, I guess we are their target audience. :LOL You have pointed that out so clearly in your review. Thanks again. Love Nanda

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