10 Free Work Home Business Ideas

10 Free Work Home Business Ideas (To Start Right Now)

Free Work Home Business Ideas are usually the first ones that many people want to try out. More than ever, some are wondering if they can really earn money with Free Work Home Business Ideas.

Being free doesn’t mean that something is no good, as many suppose. So the key focus of this post shares 10 of the best Free Work Home Business Ideas that you can start right now.

By the way, these are genuine ways that you can earn money. In case you don’t know exactly how to start, you can get free training here. Enroll In The Ultimate Free Training For Launching Your Own Home Business Online. Enroll Now.

“Provoke your inner energy; Challenge yourself and you will achieve amazing things.” (Mohammed Sekouty)

1. Make Use Of YouTube

Do you know that YouTube is incredibly powerful? When you use it, you can create discovery content that can help people. Whether it is educational or for entertainment, you can upload content, have people watch it and earn money. 

Point is that you need to have a target audience in mind to watch your videos. Important to realize that your content should be relevant, should be trending and should have keywords that people are searching for. Of course, you want people to find your videos. 

Keep in mind that YouTube is a search engine. As long as you have a phone, a laptop/desktop, and the internet, you can definitely consider this opportunity. Are you camera shy and don’t mind spending a couple dollars? You can head over to Fiverr and hire someone to do your videos for you. Cost starts at $5.

Watch this video and see how a YouTube monetization strategist explains how you can earn money.

Strategist Explanation

“Interested in making money on YouTube? All YouTube creators can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program as long as it is available in your country. After you hit 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and 1,000 subscribers, your activity will be reviewed against our policies. 

If everything looks good, you’ll be able to join the YouTube Partner Program and begin serving ads on your content. This threshold helps ensure revenue only flows to creators who are playing by the rules.” 

(source: YouTube creators)

2. Copywriting

What are you doing with your writing skills? How about using powerful descriptions to write convincing words that sell stuff? Probably, you should really consider copywriting. Accordingly, the demand is high. Albeit, the skill of copywriting doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Just checking on Google Trends gives a clear indication of where it is heading right now.  

10 Free Work Home Business Ideas (To Start Right Now)

Have you seen the sales pages or landing pages of different websites? Indeed, these can be quite eye-catching. Specifically, the design is to get people to take an action like making a purchase. Or to get visitors to share their email address. 

As a result of this action, people can build an email list for their business. Consequently, they’ll have subscribers that they can contact with newsletters and special offers. Undoubtedly, this can give a boost to their online business.

3. Teach English Online

Globally, there are many people who want to learn the English language. Particularly, China has been pushing for every child to learn English. Given that you have a passion to teach kids or adults, there is an opportunity waiting for you to teach English online

And the country that needs a lot of online teachers is China. Considering that the country has such a large population, and learning English is mandatory for kids, many companies have come on stream. Clearly, they are offering online English teaching opportunities. Truly, the need is always great.

Different recruiting companies have everything in place for you to start teaching. Actually, some of them don’t require a teaching degree. However, having some experience working with kids is usually a requirement. 

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” (Denis Waitley)

4. Help Others Develop Language Fluency Skills

Would you like to help others develop fluency in a particular language? Chiefly, some adults like to strike up a conversation about their culture, current events, sports and other experiences. Setting goals for your students to reach is a great way to inspire them as you converse with them. 

Keeping the teaching method simple with lots of conversation and practical videos can help them achieve their objectives. ClassGap is an ideal platform to share your language fluency expertise. Notably, the pay varies with different companies and some may pay up to $20 or more per hour.

Did you miss these posts? 

Teaching English Online China

How to Money From Home by Teaching English Online

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5. Create An Online Course

Surprisingly, there is so much that you can share. Yet, because you are not really giving it thought, you probably don’t realize what you can help others with. Provided that you know just about 10% more of something, you can definitely teach it. 

Using websites like the ones below make it easier than ever for you to get your course content online.

  • Udemy
  • Skillshare
  • Teachable
  • Kajabi
  • Thinkific 

Once you have a transforming life experience, it may very well be of help to others. Therefore, you can share it. Any unique skill that people can learn is ideal for you to develop a course. Topics like:

  • Extreme couponing
  • Preparing healthy meals on a small budget for a large family
  • Losing weight and keeping it off with no program subscription
  • Editing videos for a YouTube channel
  • Email marketing
  • Self-published ebook author (write fiction or nonfiction)

Focus On Your Passion

Definitely, you’ll want to spend some time thinking about your idea. Focusing on what you are passionate makes it easier to write about it. Assuredly, one of the best ways to go about this, is to think of a solution to a problem. And if people like how you are helping them, they will always want more from you.

Related: What is a Niche Marketing Website

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.” (Socrates, father of Western philosophy)

6. Start A Print On Demand Business

Despite the competition, you can still have success with this business idea. Evidently, there is still an interest in this business model

10 Free Work Home Business Ideas (To Start Right Now)

If your focus is online selling you can customize and white label a range of products. Top benefit is that you don’t have to buy inventory up front because your supplier takes care of any fulfillment. 

Immediately after you make a sale you transmit the order details to your print on demand supplier. Following that, the supplier customizes the product and sends it straight to your customer. 

For your online store however, you’ll need to create your own designs on a range of products. Typically, you want to set up your store with various products. Including among these are: 

  • T-shirts/baseball tees
  • Polo shirts
  • Coffee mugs
  • Aprons
  • Bags
  • Hats/visors
  • Children’s clothing 
  • Beach towels
  • Throw pillows
  • Bathroom towels
  • Kitchen towels
  • Bed linen like pillow cases 

Just to name a few of the many products that you can choose from, customize them and add to your store.

Develop Your Brand

By the same token, the print on demand supplier can also put your Logo on the package. For sure, that’s a way to show the customer your brand. Quite noticeable is the low investment that print on demand offers.

So if you have an artistic touch and are good at designing, why not use your skill and create a wide range of products to sell online? Markedly, this is one easy opportunity that you can pursue.

One Caveat

Although you can develop your brand with print on demand, there is one caveat to note. For one thing, the margins can be quite high. A typical example is paying your print on demand supplier $12 – $16 for a t-shirt order. Chances are that you’ll charge customers $25 for that t-shirt. It’s unlikely that you’ll exceed $35. 

Remember, this can “cut deep into your marketing cost.” Nonetheless, if you enjoy creative art or you want to make it a hobby you can still create a business from it. Though it is fun, easy to set up and requires little up front cost you can definitely earn money. Maybe, not enough to make you super rich though. 

“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” (Thomas Edison)

7. Online Tutoring

Throughout the world, people are seeking to learn new skills. Again, checking Google Trends shows an uptick in online tutoring. Whatever subject you can tutor, there are many people who are willing to learn and improve their mastery skills. Especially when they have time on hand, they may want to pick up a new skill or hobby.

10 Free Work Home Business Ideas (To Start Right Now)

Regardless of the subject that you are teaching, it doesn’t require 100% expertise. Neither do you need masters or doctoral degree to teach something. Learning a particular training course and mastering the skills can put you at an advantage to teach others. Even if you are a beginner you can teach what you learn. 

With your new skills, you can create your own training course. Primarily, you can tweak whatever you learn and share the new skills in a better way. Marketing yourself will be key to getting students. Is there something that you are skillful at? Certainly, you can teach it. Take for instance:

  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Math
  • Biology
  • Sewing
  • Cooking
  • Art
  • Painting
  • Photography

8. Check Out Gigs

Simply put, gigs are micro jobs. To emphasize, you do small tasks for different clients and earn money. In reality, it is not an ongoing job for the same client. Rather, it is shorter pieces of work which are often easy to complete. 

Moreover, you can “earn money by helping people with various everyday” tasks. Earning up to $100 or more for a task is indeed a reality. Sure enough, this depends on the job to complete and also the company. 

Mentioning just a few gigs here, you can check out the following: 

  • Transcription 
  • Graphic designer
  • Data entry
  • Editing videos
  • Grocery shopping for others
  • Amazon Flex (delivery)
  • Book keeping
  • Virtual assistant

Finding Gigs

Doing a gig means that you have absolute control over your own schedule. But the only way to earn money your way is to “start tasking.” Not only are these jobs online, but you can find gigs locally too. Craigslist and TaskRabbit for instance are great to find local gigs. 

Freelancer sites include: 

  • Fiverr
  • Guru
  • Upwork
  • UserTesting
  • People Per Hour
  • Flexjobs
  • Freelancer

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” (Wayne Huizenga)

9. Become A Freelancer

Notably, there are many businesses that use freelancers to do various jobs. Chiefly, businesses that do not really require people to work full time make use of freelancers. Sometimes, the work can take a few days or a couple weeks.

Jobs that you can do as a freelancer range from writing content for blogs to social media manager, accounting and graphic artist. Too many to mention here. 

Due to the competition, it is best to set yourself apart with your own price. Competing for the lower price range is not the ideal. Clients tend to prefer those with a higher price range. Point is that some clients think they will get better work for their money. 

Seriously, there are clients who are willing to spend the money. Be that as it may, they believe that the more pricey freelancers are, the better their work. Why not go after those clients and price yourself high?

Related: Freelance Writing Jobs Beginners Need

Go Above And Beyond

Obviously, if you want people to hire you, you need to let them know your credentials. Forthwith, setting up a complete profile is key. Being specific with the services you offer can be a deal breaker. Indeed, there are companies that have those specific projects and are happy to hire you.

Putting a lot of effort into the work assignment and delivering excellent result can go well for you as a repeat worker. Therefore, double checking for errors and delivering the work on time are key factors. 

Best of all: “Go above and beyond, give it all you’ve got,” and offer creative ideas.” With these factors at the forefront, you more and more projects will always come your way.

Here are a few websites to check:

  • Fiverr
  • Behance Jobs 
  • Smashing Magazine 
  • FreelanceWriting
  • Problogger
  • Media Bistro

10. Start An Online Store

First of all, you can really start an online store for free or with little investment. Shopify offers a free trial opportunity for you to start a store. Focusing on products that are trending are certainly great choices.

Creating an affiliate marketing website is most ideal if you are stretched for money. By the same token, you don’t have to spend money on product inventory. Similarly, you can also consider a drop shipping business.

Although the drop shipping business model has its advantages and disadvantages, it offers a “quick and easy way to start selling products online.” Once you discover great products to sell, you can definitely get sales. 

“Don’t worry about funding if you don’t need it. Today it’s cheaper to start a business than ever.” (Noah Everett)

Concluding Thoughts

Overall, you can start these Free Work Home Business Ideas right now. Owing to your skill level and interest, you can even pursue more than one of these ideas. Which one do you see yourself doing? Is it teaching or creating a course? 

Maybe, you’d just like to create YouTube videos or create your own online store. Literally, you can make money with anyone of these Free Work Home Business Ideas. Despite all the choices, my favorite is starting my own online business. Here is the #1 training that I use and recommend.

“There is no success without commitment and action.” (Vantel Pearls)

Hope you are happy with your experience at theworkathomebusiness.com. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please let us know. Feel free to share this page or leave a comment. 



P. S. Sign Up For My #1 Recommended Training Course And Learn How To Start Your Online Business For FREE. 

“If you don’t try, you forfeit the opportunity.” (Frank Sonnenberg)

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” (Karen Lamb) 

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2 thoughts on “10 Free Work Home Business Ideas (To Start Right Now)”

  1. Thank you for this informative and enlightening article.  Truly, YouTube has been of great help to many. I will love to try out setting up an online store. This article has provided me the necessary information I need to start something new and profiting. I’m super excited. Thank you

    God bless you

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