Undoubtedly, reading The Melaleuca Review can give you an insight into the company. Especially if your main interest is to make money online, it’s definitely a great idea to see what’s in The Melaleuca Review. One of the reasons why people read reviews is to help them stay away from scams. Let me hasten to say that Melaleuca is not a scam. Rather, it’s a legitimate company that offers super good products.
Of course, people always want to find a genuine way to make money online. Knowing about The Melaleuca Review can certainly help in the decision to join that business model. Before you put any money down and sign up to join a business, always remember to do due diligence.
The key focus of this post brings to light some key facts about Melaleuca. Similar to Nu Skin, Azuli Skye, and the Pampered Chef, Melaleuca is one of those direct sales companies that so many people want to know more about.
Evidently, Melaleuca is a legitimate company. Undoubtedly, the company offers really good products. Considering the company’s business model, however, some people don’t think it’s the ideal way for them to earn income. I can attest to that as I tried it a couple of years ago.
Clearly, not everyone does well with a direct sales business. But looking on indeed.com, you can see positive reviews from some people who are earning an income with the company.
Table of Contents
Company Overview
Based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, the Melaleuca brand focuses on “natural nutritional and household products.” Primarily ones that are safer and allow people to “live clean without the hazards of harsh chemicals.”

Particularly, the company prides itself as a “world leader in concentrated products that require less water to make, less fuel to ship, and less plastic to package.”
Additionally, Melaleuca provides a way for people to make an income. Over the years, the company has paid out more than 3.6 billion dollars to people. Simply by referring friends and family to purchase their products.
The Melaleuca Review (Facts Exposed)
Product: Melaleuca
Founder: Frank L. Vandersloot
Year of Launching: 1985
Type of Product: Health/Wellness
Business Model: Direct Sales
Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
On December 26, 2017, the company celebrated its $2 billion milestone in annual sales. Accordingly, the accomplishment is largely due to the fact that people believe strongly in the products and seemingly they are providing some solutions.
Matter of fact, CEO Frank L. Vandersloot further believes that a large part of the growth has to do with the “quality of the company’s products.” He further states that the “more expensive ingredients, natural base, and the fact that they are better for the environment help set Melaleuca for growth.” (source: directsellingnews.com)
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
More Than 400 Products
Offering more than 400 products, Melaleuca is one of the leading direct sales companies. Including among the products are:
- Personal-care items
- Cosmetics
- Bath and Body products
- Household cleaning supplies
- Vitamins Beauty
- Essential Oils

Through a network of “independent marketing executives” ( sales representatives), catalogs, and various websites, the company is reaching many consumers in several countries. As long as you have an active subscription with the company, you will always receive a catalog with the latest products. Usually, there are updates on new breakthroughs in health and wellness.
“Every product has been developed and manufactured to stand out from the competition. Each must be superior in a very clear and relevant way to the products you might otherwise use. That means they are researched, refined, and scrutinized before they ever go to market.” (source: melaleuca.info)
Becoming a Member
“The cost to become a member of Melaleuca depends on your level of enrollment. If you enroll as a Regular Member, by submitting a Customer Membership Agreement, there is no cost. If you enroll as a Preferred Member, by submitting a Customer Membership Agreement, the cost is $19.00 plus applicable sales tax.”
“A Preferred Member commits to ordering a minimum of 35 Product Points each calendar month, receives a 30-50% discount off regular prices, is eligible to earn Loyalty Shopping Dollars, and has access to a number of other membership perks through the Melaleuca Marketplace.
A Regular Member has no monthly commitment, pays the regular price for Melaleuca products, and has limited access to the Melaleuca Marketplace.” (source: melaleuca.com/HelpCenter)
Making Money With Melaleuca
First of all, when I joined Melaleuca years ago, I did not make any money. For that reason, I discontinued as a distributor. Nevertheless, I continued using the products for a while because they are quite effective.
After paying the required member fee, you become an “Independent Marketing Executive” (the term they use for their sales representative). Shortly after, you can start reselling the products to earn commissions.
Mainly, earning money with Melaleuca is through product sales: whether it is the commissions or different bonuses. To start earning money depends largely on the following factors:
- How many people are in your downline
- The monthly purchasing power of your downline/customers
- Always increase your downline and help team members to be successful
Earning Income With Melaleuca
Similar to other direct sales companies, you can earn money through:
- Direct selling of the products to customers
From your sales, you can earn 7% commissions. Notably, sales representatives get a percentage discount on their purchases. Marketing products directly to consumers, using catalogs, and selling on a website all contribute to the company’s success.
- Increase your downline
Based on the sales that they make, you can earn more money.
- Earn Bonuses
Various ways to earn bonuses are available depending on the area that you want to focus on.
Has Earned Many Awards

Among the many awards and recognition for its role in helping to enhance lives, here are a few examples:
- Hall of Fame Torch Award from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in 2005
- 2001 Entrepreneur of the Year: Award from
- Inc 500 Hall of Fame award
- Continued commitment to ethics award from BBB (Snake River Region)
- Education for life award from Direct Selling Association
- 2004 Healthy Workplace Award
- Great Ratings
Enjoys great ratings from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Consistently, the company has been maintaining its A+ rating for over 30 years. Obviously, the company knows how to handle the concerns customers have. Hence, resolving the issues well and keeping the complaints low.
- Impressive History
Since the founding of the company in 1985, it is still going strong. With sales reaching $2B in 2017 is surely a testament to that.
- Monthly Orders Are Low
Compared with similar companies, “preferred customer memberships automatically renew on an annual basis for $19.00, plus applicable sales tax.”
Order requirements depend on your status as a customer. When you enroll as a preferred member you commit to ordering a minimum of either 35 or 75 Product Points every month. In return, you receive a 30-50% discount on regular prices.

On the other hand, a regular member has no monthly commitment. Therefore, paying regular prices. Likewise, only allows you limited access to the Melaleuca Marketplace.
More Pros
- Positive Product Reviews
No doubt the company makes great products that provide solutions for many health concerns. Given the company’s commitment to making eco-friendly products, this not only makes it safer for homes but also better for the environment.
- Provides one-of-a-kind wellness products
Chiefly, products for nutrition, personal care, and cosmetics, home cleaning include a variety of flavors, formulas, sizes, and shades.
- Commitment to Superior Products
Clearly, the company aims to keep the development and manufacturing of every product superior to those that you might use otherwise. Before the products go on the market, their scientists research, refine, and scrutinize them.
- Lots of Products to Choose From
Having more than 400 products to choose from is more than enough for anyone to try in 3 years. From time to time, Melaleuca will introduce new products in addition to those they already have on the market. Obviously, their scientists are always pursuing innovative ideas to help improve lives.
- Suspending membership
Suspending your membership requires completing a form. “A Preferred Member may cancel his/her Customer Membership Agreement by submitting a signed cancellation form to Melaleuca.” (source: melaleuca.com/HelpCenter)
- Purchasing products
Only preferred and regular members can make purchases on the website. Surprisingly, you’ll not see the prices for their products either. Interestingly, however, several Melaleuca products are on the Amazon marketplace. Hence, you’ll get an idea of the prices.
- Missing information about the product solutions
Quite noticeable is that information details on how the products can help you is missing from the company’s website.
- Joining the company must go through a Melaleuca member
Want to become a member of Melaleuca? It doesn’t just happen when you click that “Become a Member Today” button. Instead, you can only join if a Melaleuca Member refers you.
In case you came across the site “through an online search, there is a 1-800 number that you can call for more information. Notably, “every Melaleuca member is referred by another member.”
Create Your Own Website
Not making a great income with Melaleuca? Do you really have a passion for environmentally friendly products? Actually, you can start your own website and promote those products. Going green is something that many people are passionate about because it offers a healthier lifestyle.
How about reaching these people with high-quality products from companies that offer affiliate marketing? For sure, you can reach more people with this business model. Chances are that you may very well make more money than just selling Melaleuca products.
Choosing affiliate marketing, there is no need to commit to a monthly membership fee. The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you can start your website for free. Here Is My Top Recommendation For Training.
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
(Karen Lamb)
Website Ideas
Are you serious about creating your own website? What would you like to focus on? Certainly, you may want to consider a particular aspect of going solar if that is of interest to you. Like solar water fountains for example. Then you may want to think about some solar energy affiliate programs which can provide an eco-friendly way to make money.
Want to capitalize on the idea of creating your own website? Here is the training I used to help me build my websites. Once you start this training, you’ll realize that there are many possibilities. Maybe you’ll want to consider other niche ideas.
Essentially, you’d want to write reviews about the products so consumers can learn more about them. Rest assured that there are tons of affiliate programs that you can join. Many of the big box stores offer an affiliate program. Take for instance Walmart and Target.
Matter of fact, one of the easiest affiliate programs to join is Amazon. Plus there are hundreds of eco-friendly products on the marketplace. Starting your own website gives you more control over what you can do with it. Doesn’t that sound better than just sticking with Melaleuca?
Seeing that some Melaleuca products are on Amazon, you can actually promote them on your website and earn commissions from your sales. Realistically, there is so much that you can do with your own website. Let the pros show you how.
Concluding Thoughts
Overall, Melaleuca has good products. Provided that you are passionate about the products, you should definitely continue to use them. But if you are thinking about making money with the company, it’s probably not the best model if you want to earn income that’s sustainable.
Check their income stats here. Seriously, you’ll have to put in a lot of hours to earn a good income. For sure, you can do the affiliate marketing alternative and earn scalable income. Simply, affiliate marketing gives the freedom to promote more than just one company’s products. Having no restriction on the number of companies and the products to promote makes it truly a winner.
Check out Amazon for instance. Joining the company’s affiliate program allows you to promote the products that you love. Even if you want to join Melaleuca’s mission to “improve the environment with non-toxic, home-cleaning products,” you’ll find them on Amazon.
Hope you are happy with your experience at theworkathomebusiness.com. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please let us know. Feel free to share this page or leave a comment.
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“If you don’t try, you forfeit the opportunity.” (Frank Sonnenberg)