Secret My Success

Secret My Success Review

As I see it, Secret My Success is revealed in Lynn Bardowski’s book: “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl.” Specifically, this book is full of great advice, strategies, techniques, ideas and resources. Certainly, it is a must read for newbies and veteran entrepreneurs alike. Matter of fact, anyone who is in business or wants to start one should not miss out on any inspiring ideas from a Secret My Success book.


Assuredly, if you want direct sales success secrets, this is an easy and entertaining read. Then again, if you want motivation for any other business, you can also read this book and get in on all the Secret My Success ideas.

In fact, the information in this book is beneficial for anyone starting a business. Are you in network marketing? Secret My Success book is for you too. Would you like a push start for your business? For sure, this book has all the Secret My Success inspiration.

The author Lynn Bardowski is down to earth and open about her own experiences. She tells her story like she is sitting with you and having a glass of wine. Not only is it inspiring, but it reminds me that I need to incorporate inspiration into my daily life every day.

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Secret My Success Review

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Secret My Success Review

Product: Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl (Paperback)

Author: Lynn Bardowski

Overall Star Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

Other Star Rating:

4.7 out of 5 stars for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Books

4.5 out of 5 stars for Business & Economics Books

4.6 out of 5 stars for Sports Books

Best Place to Buy: Amazon

First of all, if you are in direct sales, you need this book. Even if you are not a fan of direct sales, Lynn gives common sense advice in a fun voice. She brings inspiration for newbies or just about anyone who is trying to be successful in a business. Her book gives practical advice to help you rock your direct sales business.

In this book, you can discover how a mother left her job in the corporate world and became successful in direct sales. For one thing, you can discover all the steps that can take you to success. By the time you finish reading this book, you may feel motivated to go full time in direct sales if you haven’t done so yet. In fact, that is what the author Lynn Bardowski did.

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The Author

Lynn Bardowski shows you everything you need to know to make direct sales a money making business. In case you have doubts about being successful, the book shows you how to be positive. This woman has worked her way up from a down line to a multi-million dollar girl. She is a great mentor for thousands.  Watch this short video.

Her book tells about how she worked her way up and remained at the top for more than 20 years. She shares information about her true experiences making her writing more like a dialogue with some “funniness” to it.

This author has her highlighted moments in the media. Specifically, she has been featured on CBS, FOX. in Huff Postand Forbes. For sure, she has taken her experience to large groups worldwide. You can discover more about Lynn on her website:

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Pros: Awesome Ideas

Author Lynn Bardowski’s book gives great ideas, so keep an open mind as she guides you to discover your passion and your vision. It is a wonderful addition to your library and of course will be one of your favorites.

This 104 pages makes an interesting read and is suggested for those who need a boost in their direct sales business. Likewise, it motivates experienced managers who are having some difficulty as well. The author shares methods and gives tips that you can implement right away.

Inspirational Read

In general, many people can relate to Lynn’s story. Her book is full of inspiration and as she shares her successes and failures, she tells how these help her to grow her business. “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl” is a quick, easy read for anyone starting up a small business. Whether it is in Direct Sales or otherwise, it is like a perfect motivator.

Ideally, it is also ideal for those who are already in business and need redirection to commit to their dream. By the same token, she offers lessons that you can implement immediately.

Great Educational Tool

For leaders, this book is ideal to use as a training resource. In fact, you can offer it for sale to all those who are in your team, and to those attending your party. Like the author, you too can be fearless, and overcome any frustration you may have with your business. You can gain some great insight from this book as she really motivates you to get moving in your business.

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Capture the Author’s Glow For Your Business

To point out, you can capture the author’s glow to grow your business. She empowers you to accomplish whatever you seek. Markedly, she gets your attention with her humor, her personal stories, and even her setbacks. You will find answers to questions and conflicts you have experienced.

Needless to say that you will come away with a clearer focus to help you get to where you want to be. Surely, this book is truly an inspiration for me, and I highly recommend it.

Ideal For Everyone

Secret My Success ReviewChiefly, the book gives a boost of confidence for your business. In light of this, you can read this book whether you are just starting out or have been working your business for years. It gives inspiration on different ways to approach your business, and how to take action now for success. To emphasize, this book motivates you to do what is needed for that growth.

In general, it refreshes especially if you are having a vision thirsty time. If you are back and forth in your business for some time and finally decide to start again, you can take some initiative and read this book. If you have lost focus and fell, you can get back up and rebuild with a new fire. This book is your fire for financial dreams and success.

Gives Insight as You Build Your Own Business

No matter what kind of entrepreneur you are or want to become, Lynn inspires you to reach goals way beyond your imagination. Truly, it is honest, genuine, and may remind you of things you know but have forgotten. Surely, it keeps your interest, and makes you believe in yourself. as it speaks to your heart.

For those who are entrepreneurs, you can never receive too much information to help you move forward in your own business. There are so many ideas that you can execute easily to garner quick wins. Matter of fact, there are some terrific marketing ideas in general so it’s a good read even for corporate business women who are looking to kick things up a notch. The section about defining a vision for your business is spot on.

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Some Secret My Success Tips

  • Not to worry about what people are saying, but to focus on your strength
  • Be passionate about the desire you have for this business and keep in mind the reason you are doing it
  • Not having a vision and what is the most striking thing that is causing your setback
  • What to do when you are perplexed and your business is going down
  • Reasons why only your hard work cannot give you the success you want
  • The Best practice for moms who work at home
  • Additionally, the author also shares apps, groups that you can network with and other resources to help you. Needless to say that you can take notes as you read each chapter.

Perfect Read Before you Start a Business

Secret My Success ReviewBy the way, “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl” is straightforward. The book contains empowering information that you can use from the moment you read it. Hence, implementing the things you learn.

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On the negative side, here are a few caveats. However, these are not really deterrents from reading this book.

  • Nice to read the author’s history, but secrets are not fully explained
  • Could offer more information about how to create a successful home business while working full time
  • There is not much more in the book than what you would get with good up line support.
  • Author spends far too much time talking about herself and family more than she does about getting started in direct sales
  • Download issue for some people
  • Book is a bit over-priced

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Concluding Thoughts

To sum up, this excellent book, can put you in a different mindset for your direct sales business. Henceforth, you may find yourself constantly rereading parts of this book. In a way, it offers you more than what you are getting from most of your team leaders in direct sales.

There are so many awesome tips in this book. Keep in mind that the author teaches you strategies for success. If you want to be successful in your business, I strongly suggest you read this book. Rest assured that you will not regret your purchase.

She writes in a way to make things look extremely simple and puts it all into perspective for you. Lynn instills the confidence in you to work smarter; not harder. This is a “must read” for anyone in the Home Party business. She opens the eyes to the truly wonderful successes that are ahead in the business. A key point to note is that reading this book makes you feel stronger, and more excited about your business.

Highly Recommended

Certainly, I recommend this book not only for those looking to succeed in their professional life, but their personal life as well. Don’t pass this book up. You will need all the information to build your business.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 104 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 24, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.2 x 8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 6.1 ounces

You are a big online shopper like myself. Amazon has the best price on this book: “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl.” I hope you enjoyed the review and if you have any questions about the “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl,” or want to share your personal review, leave a comment below.

Seeing that social media, is hot for business success these days, the author has rolled out another book entitled: “Facebook Party Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl.” She gives some steps to follow if you are having a difficult time with online parties. You can discover more about this book here.

Hope you are happy with your experience at If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please let us know. Feel free to share this page.



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6 thoughts on “Secret My Success Review”

  1. Hi Carol!

    Well done on your review! It is very informative and bias free, in my opinion.

    I’ve read some of the business books, and there are definitely people, who love to talk about themselves or their family (I’m not saying that they’re arrogant though).

    I may consider checking it out; it’s always important to have many perspectives about success in business, regardless of the business model you choose.

    Oh, and I strongly agree with this part: work smarter, not harder. *thumbs up*

    Thank you for sharing this review with us! 🙂

    Keep up the great job!


    1. Hi German,
      Thanks for visiting. I definitely agree that it is helpful to have different perspectives for a successful business. Never can tell, you may just come across something that appeals to your business model. Yeah, “Work smarter, not harder” is a cool thing to do.

  2. Hello,

    I must say that this review is quite complete! I would definitely need a book to redirect my Dreams for my business as I have lost some faith lately to grow it. However, if it’s a little overpriced and if she does not really Spill the secrets of her success as the title of the book suggests, do you still think that it’s a good read? Thank you!

    1. Hi,

      I can assure you that “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl” is a book that can get you right back on track.  Actually, the price is good and is worth every penny.  You will not regret your purchase.

  3. Thank you for this great review on “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl”. I had not come across this book in my travels yet. I can see how this is a must read for anyone keen on getting direct sales secrets. I can see how this is a great educational tool for anyone looking to step up. I can see how Party Lite and the author were such a great fit. I was just wondering have you ever been to a Party Lite party?

    1. Hi Glenys,

      I am glad you came across this review about “Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl.” This book is certainly a great read. I have been to a party lite party and I was amazed at how it changed things.  Your party is not boring and uneventful, but is an actual event.

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